Slide We CAN be the solution to plastic pollution! YES, I WANT TO JOIN! Join the Aim Plastic Free challenge and receive a free beautiful, hand illustrated challenge calendar each month with new tips and ideas on positive alternatives to single use plastic. Are you ready to take the challenge?
Young woman sorting garbage. Concept of recycling.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. – Lao Tzu
Plastic has permeated all areas of lives. It can be difficult to figure out how to avoid it. That’s why the Aim challenge gives you a head start.
The 31-Day challenge provides friendly, easy tips and ideas to help you reduce single use plastic waste every day without compromising on the things you love.
The Blog
Let’s become plastic free heroes!
Single use plastic is problematic as it’s used only once before being thrown away but lasts hundreds of years before it can fully degrade. Meanwhile, it breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces, known as microplastics. The great solution is that there are many fantastic natural materials and items to reuse.

Slide Need help or want to work with me? Need help or want to work with me? Book a 1:1 15 minute session with me to discuss how I can help you or your organisation improve on its low waste journey while focussing on positive action. BOOK A SESSION
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